Monday, February 4, 2013


ph: fashion gone rogue, honestly wtf, elle decor, they all hate us, wellness warrior, studded rose, vanilla style sheet

Sunday, February 3, 2013


Currently: Laying in bed as my body attempts to digest the obscene amount of food and beverage I've consumed in the past 24 hours.  This being said, the promised vegan menu failure--err--update will be postponed until tomorrow.  I did HAVE to roll myself over to my desk to talk about this though.  Now I've always been one to boast about my self-proclaimed psychic abilities but WHAT are the chances that they announce the return of The Swan after I dismissed it as a network faux pas a week ago.  I ain't no Beyonce, but the girl's got skills.

PS- Monica Lewinsky is rumored to be a contestant.  Comments?

Saturday, February 2, 2013


1. Jalapeno Poppers from Happy Healthy Life
2. Buffalo Cauliflower Wing Pizza with Tofu Blue Cheese Spread from Keepin' It Kind
3. Black Bean Chili Dip from Oh She Glows (my favorite vegan cooking blog)
4. Warm “Vegveeta” Cheese Sauce from Dreena Burton's Plant-Powered Kitchen

Those of you who know me or follow my Instagram (victoriacrwfrd) may know I've been moseying along the wellness path for about 2 years now.  Granted, I've had several...err "cheat days" all of which generally could be listed under one of three categories: food storage prior to a night of anticipated debauchery, late-night pizza after a night of debauchery, or brunch the morning after a night of debauchery. Nevertheless, I have gone from eating healthy because, "it's LA and everyone is doing it", to eating healthy because, "it's LA and everyone is so tiny", to finally, "I actually feel better when I eat healthy…plus I'm moving back to Chicago and it's my strange way of feeling like I'm still part of LA."   Since this latest revelation, I have been slowly domesticating myself by learning how to cook healthy (mostly vegan and gluten-free) recipes.  Whether it's my way of coping with the cognitive dissonance I feel when a night of debauchery is in my horizon -- "I want to eat healthy tonight but salad just doesn't mix well with vodka…plus, the drink has cucumbers in it so…I'll cook something healthy tomorrow"-- or just a way to feel like, despite my 20-something habits, I am on my way to becoming an adulthere is my Super Bowl Vegan-friendly menu for tomorrow's commercials, I mean game.  

And in case you were wondering, yes, today was a cheat day. 

Until tomorrow! x x 


ph: trendland, honestlywtf, vanilla style sheet, they all hate us, wellness warrior, studded rose

Friday, February 1, 2013

Rebel Phase Series: KIDS WHO ARE KILLIN IT

NO, Honeyboo boo, you did not make the cut. 

Kids who are getting attention they don't deserve aside, lets talk about a kid that is getting attention from over 5 million people -- yeah, I'm talking about the Kid President.  If you haven't been made aware of this video from Facebook or Twitter or the news (if you watch that, good for you…no really, I'm impressed) check it out here and "Hello! From, The World Above the Rock…specifically, the World Within the Computer…we're friendly here, don't worry".  

You watched it?  Great.  I'm not even going to attempt to publicly comment on it because I will most definitely lose in the battle of being smarter than a 5th grader. 
Kid President > Master's in Communication.   

Oh, and if you didn't already feel inadequate enough, here's adding sartorial insult to intellectual injury.  

Happy Friday y'all ((she says as she prepares to walk to her closet with the desperate hope that the dream in which she had a Coveteur-worthy closet was actually not a dream.  
It was.  
As she is forced to face reality, she tells herself, "It's ok. I want better for my children," a clever tactic her parents have often used to reject her request for extravegant gifts (see: Celine bag post).  The pain begins to subside, but deep inside she know she'll be damned before her unborn child carries a bag she does not own herself)). x x 


I'm back : ) 

ph: trendland, wellness warrior, fashion gone rogue, fashion week daily, studded rose, depends on what day it is, they all hate us, song of style, honestly wtf