ph: fashion gone rogue, honestly wtf, elle decor, they all hate us, wellness warrior, studded rose, vanilla style sheet
Monday, February 4, 2013
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Currently: Laying in bed as my body attempts to digest the obscene amount of food and beverage I've consumed in the past 24 hours. This being said, the promised vegan menu failure--err--update will be postponed until tomorrow. I did HAVE to roll myself over to my desk to talk about this though. Now I've always been one to boast about my self-proclaimed psychic abilities but WHAT are the chances that they announce the return of The Swan after I dismissed it as a network faux pas a week ago. I ain't no Beyonce, but the girl's got skills.
PS- Monica Lewinsky is rumored to be a contestant. Comments?
PS- Monica Lewinsky is rumored to be a contestant. Comments?
Saturday, February 2, 2013
1. Jalapeno Poppers from Happy Healthy Life
2. Buffalo Cauliflower Wing Pizza with Tofu Blue Cheese Spread from Keepin' It Kind
3. Black Bean Chili Dip from Oh She Glows (my favorite vegan cooking blog)
4. Warm “Vegveeta” Cheese Sauce from Dreena Burton's Plant-Powered Kitchen
Those of you who know me or follow my Instagram (victoriacrwfrd) may know I've been moseying along the wellness path for about 2 years now. Granted, I've had several...err "cheat days" all of which generally could be listed under one of three categories: food storage prior to a night of anticipated debauchery, late-night pizza after a night of debauchery, or brunch the morning after a night of debauchery. Nevertheless, I have gone from eating healthy because, "it's LA and everyone is doing it", to eating healthy because, "it's LA and everyone is so tiny", to finally, "I actually feel better when I eat healthy…plus I'm moving back to Chicago and it's my strange way of feeling like I'm still part of LA." Since this latest revelation, I have been slowly domesticating myself by learning how to cook healthy (mostly vegan and gluten-free) recipes. Whether it's my way of coping with the cognitive dissonance I feel when a night of debauchery is in my horizon -- "I want to eat healthy tonight but salad just doesn't mix well with vodka…plus, the drink has cucumbers in it so…I'll cook something healthy tomorrow"-- or just a way to feel like, despite my 20-something habits, I am on my way to becoming an adult, here is my Super Bowl Vegan-friendly menu for tomorrow's commercials, I mean game.
And in case you were wondering, yes, today was a cheat day.
Until tomorrow! x x
Friday, February 1, 2013
Rebel Phase Series: KIDS WHO ARE KILLIN IT
NO, Honeyboo boo, you did not make the cut.
Kids who are getting attention they don't deserve aside, lets talk about a kid that is getting attention from over 5 million people -- yeah, I'm talking about the Kid President. If you haven't been made aware of this video from Facebook or Twitter or the news (if you watch that, good for you…no really, I'm impressed) check it out here and "Hello! From, The World Above the Rock…specifically, the World Within the Computer…we're friendly here, don't worry".
You watched it? Great. I'm not even going to attempt to publicly comment on it because I will most definitely lose in the battle of being smarter than a 5th grader.
Kid President > Master's in Communication.
Oh, and if you didn't already feel inadequate enough, here's adding sartorial insult to intellectual injury.
Happy Friday y'all ((she says as she prepares to walk to her closet with the desperate hope that the dream in which she had a Coveteur-worthy closet was actually not a dream.
It was.
As she is forced to face reality, she tells herself, "It's ok. I want better for my children," a clever tactic her parents have often used to reject her request for extravegant gifts (see: Celine bag post). The pain begins to subside, but deep inside she know she'll be damned before her unborn child carries a bag she does not own herself)). x x
ph: trendland, wellness warrior, fashion gone rogue, fashion week daily, studded rose, depends on what day it is, they all hate us, song of style, honestly wtf
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Currently: Participating in a staring contest with Death.
All the SAG dresses are quickly becoming elusive hallucinations (this may be due to the flu, or possibly the fact that I'm still in denial about needing glasses). Anyways (I think this might be my favorite word), I've decided that I strongly dislike the nonspecific tone of this blog. So, while I'm on bed rest I'm going to give my friend a little makeover. Think Hoarders, not The Swan (do you guys remember that show? Next topic.) But yes, coming in FEBRUARY stuff is going to get a lot more organized, you'll most definitely get an overdose of alliterations--Moodboard Mondays, Wellness Wednesdays--and, of course, more of your (read: my) favorite Rebel Phase Series posts.
What I'm trying to say is, please bare with me this week and I promise I'll stop being that boyfriend-sprung best friend next week.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
WELLNESS WEDNESDAY: This should be interesting...
"Breakfast". Find the recipe here.
I'm writing to you from Day 2 of the Dr. Oz Detox. Yes, I am one of those people who has convinced herself that 3 days of starvation in the form of ill-textured and unplatatble drinks will ultimately lead to me transmogrifying into the sprightly, lithe, man-slaying woman I know I am destined to be. No, this is not the second time I've attempted this detox in 2013. Yes, it is.
I've always had trouble finishing cleanses. Something about the conscious restriction of solid food triggers the rebel side in me and I ultimately end up getting so angry with myself for saying I can't have something that I experience a rage-induced blackout and about 20 minutes later wake up next to a box of Sprinkles cupcakes (once it was actually a pot of quinoa because that was all I had in my kitchen after a typical "junk food banishment").
But, I figure it is 2013 and I'm pretty sure I'm committed to being a healthier person (she says, regretfully, as she chokes down the last of her "lunch") so I've decided that every week I'm going to test out a healthy (and palatable) recipe to share with you all. If any of you have recipe suggestions let me know please! Oh, and keep an eye on my instagram…if you see a sprinkles cupcake box in the next 36 hours, you'll know I've failed…and I'll probably be a lot happier than I am right now… x x
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
REBEL PHASE SERIES: Much Ado About Bangs (and short hair)
There's something going on with women and statement hair cuts. Maybe it's the women's movement propelling into a new segment of those who refuse to listen to Cosmopolitan's 27,000 "pointers to getting your man" all claiming that the only way to get said man is by having long hair to hide your face (and opinions?) behind, but I figure it this way--
Michelle snagged Barack...
Hannah (Girls) has, well, Adam…
And I have, well…
Hmm….this argument is rapidly losing its validity. Anyways, Hannah and I have our pride (and are not devalued) so why don't you lay this thing down flip it and reverse it (again, Girls).
Anyways, all fictional or nonfictional, single or first lady, short haired women of the revolution aside, here are some women who will make you very certain to hide the scissors next time you pour yourself a cocktail. I'm insinuating that these cuts are so hot that if you don't hide the scissors you may wake up cuddled next to your detached ponytail after overindulging in skinny girl margaritas this weekend…in case my phrasing wasn't clear.
(All images from Pinterest)
Monday, January 21, 2013
There are certain harsh realities we choose to forget as we progress through the various chapters of our lives: braces...the period before my mom would allow me to use a straightener...Birkenstocks. While we actively select most of these memories to push deep into the attics of our minds, some memories manage to sneak into these dusty boxes without our knowledge. In my case, the memory of winter in Chicago managed to hide itself so well that I voluntarily made the decision to leave my warm home in Los Angeles and move back to Chicago in the dead of winter ("I just want to have seasons so that I appreciate the warm weather", says the girl who had clearly lost touch with reality).
In an attempt to reeducate myself on how to function in this season, I did some research on how to protect oneself against (in my opinion) the worst part of winter. It makes hair flat. It makes noses bleed. And it causes innocent, unsuspecting people to shock themselves every time they have the audacity to switch on a light. The culprit of all this and more? Dry air (or low humidity, according to Discovery Health). Here are 6 natural remedies to bring moisture back into your life.
1. Cucumbers. Cucumbers are a natural remedy for chapped lips! Next time you have an at-home spa day put some thin slices on your eyes and lips for 10 minutes.
2. Aloe vera. There are different types of aloe vera oils and soaps you can buy at drugstores like Walgreens. Shower with aloe vera soap or apply aloe vera oil directly after showering for supple, shock-resistant skin.
3. Vitamin E oil. Just like aloe vera oil, you can apply vitamin E oil onto the skin after showering.
4 & 5. Olive oil and Flaxseed oil. Studies suggest that ingesting 1 tablespoon of olive oil or flaxseed oil daily will keep skin looking soft and healthy.
6. Coconut oil. This is my saving grace for all seasons. Not only is it a better cooking alternative to olive oil (it can withstand more heat than olive oil which turns rancid and oxidizes when heated) it also serves as a daily moisturizer and a deep conditioner for hair. I use coconut oil as a nighttime moisturizer. I also coat my hair with coconut oil once a week (leave it on overnight then wash it out with your regular shampoo/conditioner and style).
Do you have any tips to beat this weather Let me know! Stay warm x x
Sunday, January 20, 2013
"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." Martin Luther King Jr., 1963
Saturday, January 19, 2013
(Proenza Schouler jacket, Topshop shirt, Sportmax skirt, Givenchy boots)
Quick post! The fam and I have been running around since we got to DC last night. From The Madison Hotel (which is gorgeous--the roses in the picture are real btw and glorious and intertwined with silver-painted leaves...which is now on my list of home decor DIY projects) to the Presidential Inauguration Fashion Show to Neiman Marcus (because I decided I needed a new dress for tonight's ball...yeah, I'm fancy huh and so are all these intimidating politicians, apparently). Two things I've learned since arriving here:
1) DC kids take these balls very seriously--the formal wear section of Neiman's was all disheveled and picked through. Lucky me I managed to score a perfect floor length La Petit Robe di Chiara Boni...suckas.
2) Ordering the "Sweet and Salty Fudge Brownie Sundae" (with a side of "Hand Selected Baby Greens", because I'm being healthy) is a perfectly acceptable lunch on-the-go.
Friday, January 18, 2013

You know when you graduate and realize you spent 4 years hopping around desperately trying to find your "passion" before time is up? Then 20 minutes after the final buzzer rings and you are walking out to your car smelling of defeat with a hint of panic it finally hits you that you actually hate field hockey and even though all the cool girls in your grade are playing it you'd rather be in the school musical? Woah..that tangent turned into baggage real quick. Sorry 8th grade...back to college. Substitute field hockey for psychology and the school musical for interior design and you have an Architectural Digest/Elle Decor fanatic and avid pinterest peruser who will never have the proper degree to get paid to turn empty rooms into pieces of art. But at least I can share these masterpieces with you. I guess that's better than field hockey...just because you get to wear skirts doesn't mean that it's fun...says the psychology major who clearly has unresolved issues.
Anyways, this is one of my absolute favorite blogger's bedroom/closet/living room. I'm in the midst of playing "interior designer" in my new apartment so I've been overdosing on home decor. In other words, expect a lot more of these posts for the next few months.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Aimee Song's pad.
Images via Song of Style...seriously check her out, I promise you won't be disappointed.
PS - I'm literally about to leave my house to go to DC for the Presidential Inauguration...lots of fun pictures and stories to come! x x
Thursday, January 17, 2013
CHANNELING: Edita Vilkeviciute
So, I am currently in that distressing period between ordering some amazing pieces online and waiting for the UPS man to grace my doorstep (’s 70% discounts are from another planet and I’m only human). Unfortunately, this period always seems to last a few days too long resulting in a lot of pacing, stress eating, and finally a trip to my other favorite online destinations—Shopbop, Zara, and of course Topman (because you can never have enough boyfriend t-shirts. BTW I’m starting to think my style comes from my lack of a love life. I buy men's clothing instead of finding a man to steal clothing from which would be cheaper…and overall more satisfying). But I digress, this second shopping trip usually results in me buying items I don’t really need, paying extra for express shipping, and the day after this impulse purchase my long-awaited package finally arrives (which is just rude). In an attempt to interrupt this bad habit, I’ve decided to put together a “Get this Look” post.
I’m obsessed with the Patrick Demarchelier shoot in this month's Vogue Spain. I’m totally into the mixing of different textures and patterns, but I can never seem to make it look as effortless as the pros (in this case, Belén Antolin). All of these looks inspire me to try a little harder (New Year’s Resolution #2, perhaps).
Here is my (imperfect) attempt to replicate one of Antolin's incredible creations:
1. Richard Chai Love Oversized Seamed Blazer
2. Sonia Rykiel Lace Blouse
3. Joe's Jeans Skinny Lunar Dye Velvet Pants
4. Joomi Lim Let Them Eat Cake Necklace
5. Michael Kors Chain Logo Lock Belt
6. Belle Noel Glam Rock Ring
7. Fendi Deco Patent Leather Peep Toe Bow Pumps
PS – I currently have everything on the list sitting in my shopping bag…ugh.
Should I “proceed to checkout”? Bad influences are always welcomed.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
(Zara sweatshirt, Paige pants, Massimo Dutti leather jacket, D&G belt, Indigo boots)
Because of my love for the Rebel Phase Series (and my fear that I will lessen its value by overexerting the issue and essentially "scraping the barrel") I've decided to explore a different "it" topic today--Kate Middleton.
I was reading Vogue UK (because I am basically down to do anything that makes me feel less American and more British…including forcing my best Spice World-perfected accent on unsuspecting, overly intoxicated men in bars as a weekend hobby) and I came across an article in which Lisa Armstrong pretty much stalks the sheet out of Kate Middleton to provide an astute analysis of her ever so slightly evolving and always impeccable attire. From this piece I was inspired to wear three things which I had previously written off as unflattering for anyone who eats three meals a day:
- Red. According to the article, 13% of Kate's official outfits have been red.
- A boat neck. Kate has worn a boat neck to 42% of her engagements.
- Three-quarter-length sleeves. This princess is apparently partial to the 3/4 length--the better to show off the royal bling, my dear.
So here it is: The Kate leather, because I still fancy myself a rebel ; )
PS - If you haven't seen Vogue UK's iPad edition it's incredible and intuitive. It's like a video game for people who'd rather spend $300 on a pair of shoes than an Xbox 360.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
The Rebel Phase Series Pt. II: THE UNIFORM
Welcome to Part Two of the Rebel Phase Series (if you missed part one it was brief and ignominious but check it out)! Now, onto Part Two.
Monday, January 14, 2013
The Rebel Phase Series Pt. I: THE DEFINITION
As an ode to my current girl crush and Golden Globes killa
(fists up in the sky) Lena Dunham, I’ve decided to create the Rebel Phase
Sunday, January 13, 2013
I originally planned on starting this blog at a later point
when I was better versed in the blogosphere and better stocked in my
wardrobe-osphere. However, I had a
moment this weekend which I considered a sign that the time to act was now (and
this has nothing to do with the fact that my mother got
borderline-to-standing-right-on-the-line verbally harassed by a street psychic
claiming to sense her “strong aura”—I couldn’t make that up if I tried). Anyways, back to the moment. This weekend, I saw and stroked my first
Celine bag.
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